The much anticipated revival of BBC's popular science slot (last held by Tomorrow's World) looks imminent with this trailer for Bang Goes the Theory. At a glance, it looks like Blue Peter crossed with The Gadget Show, which could fit the bill nicely - even if it's not something I'd watch myself personally.
Science on TV is a mixed bag these days, as I pointed out in the Guardian a while back. On one hand we have fabulously expensive and epic documentaries such as Planet Earth, while at the other end of the spectrum, there's "entertainment television with a science motif" such as the dreadful Brainiac: Science Abuse. BBC's Horizon, a landmark series in its own right, has attracted criticism for a drift into what some see as sensationalist drama - a move no doubt influenced by the success of Channel 4's Bodyshock series, which gave us such titles as Half Ton Mum and the Girl with Two Faces
Undoubtedly then, there's room for an accessible, science-led TV show for the whole family. Will Bang Goes the Theory fit this bill? What do you think?
Hat tip to rotatingastrothing
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IIRC Tomorrow's World went downhill in its final few years, too much "wow!" "amazing!" and "this will completely revolutionize our lives" and very little meat.
On the other hand, the OU had a show out recently called 'Hollywood Science' which analyzed all the havoc and hype that are part-and-parcel of today's blockbusters with science. Very entertaining - especially the experiments.
Wait and see, I think.
There is definitely something in making science seem fun and accessible. Could we ever go back to Raymond Baxter-type TW? I have fond memories of it, but times have changed.
Whether Bang is successful or not depends for me on whether they use way too much background music and way too much repetition and way too much repeating what they did, what happened and what they are going to do next...OK. I'll stop now. :-)
Wait a minute! I'm confused now. This is a series, but is it just a fill-in programme between The One Show and Eastenders or a full 30 minutes? I can't see anything on their page on the BBC website.
Wasn't horizon the one that used to begin every show by telling people a nwe way the world was going to end? There was one show a bit like that, I remember thinking when I was a kid that if I ever survived the superbugs, tsunamis, earthquakes, meteors, sun-explosions, droughs and other disasters to live to twenty it would be something of a minor miracle.
The One Show - Eastenders segue was a taster: the series actually begins July 29th.
Well I found Horizon to be quite accessible for the rest of my family whom do not posses a science background.
And it's quite pity that there have not been any substantial new episodes especially in the fields of physics and nanotechnology
What an awful disjointed show and very disappointing after all the hype. The juvenile cardboard presenters maybe by 'bright' but they can't present for toffee. The young woman's lame joke about her hair laquer was on a similar level to Cholmondley-Smythe back in 1948 science films.
You can do better than this BBC....can't you?
Sadly that's my first and last BGTT.
Does anyone here know what the music is that's been used in the trailers? Please! I love it; can't get it out of my head. No idea why they've not used it for the program itself.
Cut Chemist 'My First Big Break'