Dinner With Irene Pepperberg, and Prof. Steve Steve Kidnapped!

So, as I mentioned before, Dr. Irene Pepperberg is in Ann Arbor to deliver a lecture at the annual Neuroscience Spring Symposia today. Also giving talks is Dr. Steven Finkbeiner from UCSF (on neurodegeneration in Huntington's) and Dr. Clifford Saper from Harvard/Deaconess (on hypothalamic regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms). But last night was the 'student dinner' with Dr. Pepperberg, and guess who flew in for the occasion? Why none other that Dr. Steve Steve himself!

Now, before dinner, Dr. Steve Steve needed to catch up on the goings-on in the blogosphere, especially some weird incident called WileyGate.

i-cdea84baef336b1cb21233344693b164-steve steve retro.JPG
Professor Steve Steve: "I'd hit that."

Professor Steve Steve kept admiring my lucky bamboo plant....
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And even borrowed a book from me....
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Then, it was off to dinner with Irene Pepperberg, where Dr. Steve Steve was thoroughly insulted that no one had heard of him. After a few drinks he settled down.

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(Continued below the fold.....)

Darren and Prof. Steve Steve seem to be getting along quite well.

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However, after dinner, I dropped Dr. Pepperberg off at the hotel and was then alarmed to realize that Prof. Steve Steve was no where to be found! This prompted a very frantic call to the restaurant who found it endlessly hilarious that someone would call in asking if someone had seen a panda hand-puppet. In the middle of the call with the restaurant, I received this:


Oh no! Looks like Prof. Steve Steve had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom! A bit later I began receiving pictures of Prof. Steve Steve depicted in compromising situations such as below:

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Will the kidnappers return Professor Steve Steve? Will he even want to come back?

I'll keep you all informed!


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The perp appears to be left-handed. That should narrow it down to ~ 10% of the population.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 30 Apr 2007 #permalink

Hey, I resemble that insult!

Dude, seriously, prof. Steve Steve probably just joined the guy for the smokes.

We all know that, if ever kidnapped, the perp would only be A.) allowed to succeed and B.) alive because prof. Steve Steve wanted to humor the guy. Sort of like sending him a Christmas card to make him think he cares about him, except instead of neglect the guy gets to die in the end.

Bunch of babes there.

I like the furry one especially.

But aren't you afraid Dr Steve Steve will file harassment charges? Look where your hand is.

By Charlie (Colorado) (not verified) on 30 Apr 2007 #permalink

Eh, I thought pandas only smoked after they had mated.


I was proceedin' in a northerly direction through this article when I 'appened to hexamine various photographic hevidence what was presented 'ere, and I thought to myself: that watch strap is a dead giveaway, innit?

Therefore, Mr Darren ..er.. Wossname of Unknown Abode, in the time-honoured words of the boys in blue (operatin' a bit out of jurisdiction) irish stew in the name of the law, hand I'd be hobliged if you'd haccompany me to the station.

By Inspector Corn… (not verified) on 30 Apr 2007 #permalink

Professor Steve Steve is a puppet? All my illusions are shattered! I had always thought him to be at least stuffed :(

By TheBowerbird (not verified) on 30 Apr 2007 #permalink

GASP! Perhaps it *IS* Darren! That traitor. Wait till I get my hands on him.

And, Inspector Corner of the Yard: LOL!!!

damn left handedness! and obviously being in one of the 'kidnapped' photos... it was all a ploy anyways to give professor steve steve his first trip to the creationist museum that is opening soon a few hours from here. i can't wait to be forcibly removed from the premises. maybe some other time though... he's safely back in blogger's hands now (and he was treated well enough to polish off my scotch collection too).

Hall part of a day's work for we in the pleece.

Fortunately for the villain in question, we was not required to call out the lads for a bit of all-right-now-are-you-comin'-quietly-or-do-I-'ave-to-show-you-me-truncheon?

Hand, not to put too fine a point on it, them ears would 'ave 'ad 'im picked out in a hidentity parade right sharpish.

Evenin' all.

By Inspector Corn… (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink