NASA to shoot the moon


Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.

The Earth-on-moon violence may raise eyebrows, but NASA's history shows that such missions can yield extremely useful scientific observations.

"I think that people are apprehensive about it because it seems violent or crude, but it's very economical," said Tony Colaprete, the principal investigator for the mission at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.

In the event that shooting the moon fails, we can always nuke it. You can sign a petition to nuke the moon here.

(A search for "nuke the moon" in google produces interesting results. For example, the Air Force actually constructed plans to nuke the moon during the 1950s -- and Carl Sagan participated!)


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I think we should take all of our frustrations out on the moon, and similar lifeless celestial bodies. (Just tell GW there's oil and Al Queda bases on it)

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 28 Feb 2008 #permalink

Ooh, Ooh, I read this one, I know what happens.
So the moon shatters causing cataclysm on Earth, the maker of the time machine gets knocked in the head as he leaves for the future and arrives 800,000 years later with 2 races of humans, the subterranean one that mutated into a caste of differentiated forms for hunting on the surface and living in the dark, and the above ground type, farmed by the underground type for food. How prescient HG Welles was.


If we tell GW there are al Queda bases on the moon then he is likely to attack Mars.

It'll be interesting how coporate America is going to respond to this. Check it out. Somebody figured out a way to advertise on the moon already. You can post messages on it.

By ACMilanSF (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink