Although Dr. Phil -- whose full name is Phillip McGraw -- announced Monday that he is shelving plans for a show on Spears' latest breakdown, some in the mental health community say just showing up at her hospital room last week was going too far.
"It's true people sometimes need to be placed under involuntary mental health treatment because they can't take care of themselves," veteran psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Sugar said of the 26-year-old Spears. "But there's a difference between being detained involuntarily for psychological treatment and being forced to endure Dr. Phil involuntarily."
If I were forced to see Dr. Phil, I would certainly need some break time to recover.
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I think they should leave britney alone and help her situation cause shes young and has support from her family her mother that only care's about her money and a worthless ex husband that thosen't care about her and her kids but her money. She needs all the help from everyone even her fans. I went a thru a break down and i have 2 kids i did it on my own and stay positive.
But how much of the response from the "mental health community" is the same kind of response that Carl Sagan got for his popularization of science? In other words, possibly partly based in good reasons but also significantly based in envy.
@Mark P: short answer is 'not much'.
Mark B: even shorter response: 'Right."
the thing is i wish they would leave britney spears alone yes she has done alot to make her look bad and as a bad mother but just think befor she meet kevin she was never like this yes she smoked everone dos this days but like i said i think its all kevins fault yes she could off said no but just look at kevin i dont think he should have the kids eahter hes alwasy partying getting drunck and god nos what alse like i sadi befor she meet him shes never did none off that shit so where do you think she got it from her dog hehe ya right you nos who always gave it to her and yes am going to say kevin so i think everone should leave that poor girl alone and let her take it easy and get the best help she can get and i no one off these she will get better and get ehr kids back and get back on her feet and start singing better aging all my wishs go out to you girl get better
i think jake young should grow up and leave the poor girl alone look at him cant finnshe school always drinking grow up kevin and get a life thats if ya can omgggggggggggggg.....