Sense About Science takes on celebrities

A UK charity called Sense About Science is taking on celebrities who misrepresent scientific reality:


"Why should I allow my body or my children to be filled with man-made chemicals, when I don't know what the health effects of these substances will be."

Dr John Hoskins, toxicologist: "Away from the high doses of occupational exposure a whole host of unwanted chemicals finds its way into our bodies all the time.

"Most leave quickly but some stay: asbestos and silica in our lungs, dioxins in our blood. The most important thing is dose: one aspirin cures a headache, a hundred kills.

"The chemical baggage we carry is very small. It is only because of the great advances in analytical chemistry that we are able to detect it's there at all."

Read more here. I like these guys. It makes me nuts when celebrities decide to rant about something about which they know very little.

Hat-tip: Instapundit.

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