166/366: Overkill

It's been a ridiculously mild winter here, with occasional bursts of extreme cold. The last few days, we've gotten about as much snow as we've gotten all winter, which is not a terribly impressive amount:

Our front bushes, fully protected against snow damage. Our front bushes, fully protected against snow damage.

These bushes sit right under the bow window in front of our house, and a few years ago snow sliding off the roof crushed them pretty good. so I got these heavy wooden frames to protect them. Which has been a little excessive this year, but if I didn't set them up when doing the other winterizing activities I do every fall, I'd completely forget them until after we got a heavy snow, and then they'd get crushed again.

Anyway, as this is one of the very few opportunities I'll get this year to photograph snow, I figured I should take it...


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