The Pip, Balance Expert

Since SteelyKid got her own cute-photo post last night, it's only fair to give equal time to The Pip. This morning, for reasons that passeth adult understanding, the kids decided to balance teddy bears on their heads, SteelyKid using Bertha the Big Bear (who is just a little smaller than The Pip), while the Little Dude had a tiny neon green beanbag bear. Leading to the "featured image" above, which is my new favorite picture of Il Duderino.

"Yeah, I got a bear on my head. And I make it look good."

Lest you think his exceptional knowledge of forces in equlibrium is employed only for totally frivolous purposes, here's a cell-phone shot from SoccerTots yesterday, building towers with plastic cones. He's pretty good at stacking these things up, so, you know, maybe he's a future architect. Of course, the real fun comes in knocking them down, but let's not think about the career implications of that...

The Pip building towers. The Pip building towers.

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...and The Pip will be five. Happy birthday, Little Dude! Oh, yeah, there was also some kind of election. In which a bunch of crazy people lost, and a guy I played rugby with was elected a US Senator. Which is a great way to celebrate the one-year anniversary of this momentous occasion. And here's…
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