Does This Thing Still Work?

I might return to physics blogging at some point, but I know what people really want from this blog. So, here's a cute kid picture.

Don't worry, Daddy, we're not up to anything

Don't worry, Daddy, we're not up to anything

The Pip is increasingly mobile, and here we see him trying to climb into my lap, with an assist from big sister SteelyKid. Giving them superhero-ish noms du Net may have been a mistake, because I think they may be planning to take over the world...

More like this

I almost killed the Pip last week. By accident, of course, but I do mean that literally. His day care was closed for the day, so I took him out to the store to avoid a freakout when Mommy left. I was heading into the store with him in one arm and a hot cup of tea in the other hand, chattering…
SCENE: The library at Chateau Steelypips. DADDY is typing on the computer, while THE PIP plays on the floor. Enter STEELYKID. STEELYKID: I'm already four years old. DADDY: Yes, yes you are. THE PIP: Thbbbbbbbpppt! STEELYKID: How old is The Pip? DADDY: Eleven months. Not quite one year. STEELYKID:…
I've been neglecting the photo-a-day thing for the last week-and-a-bit, but for a good reason: I had a deadline of, well, today, to finish a chapter I was asked to contribute to an academic book. And while I fully realize that actually hitting that deadline is not typical academic behavior, I have…
In the car, on the way from day care to campus to watch a softball game DADDY: So, what did you do at school today? STEELYKID: Daddy, I'm a superhero. They call me Strong Ninja Girl. Strong World-Saving Ninja Girl. DADDY: Because you save the world? STEELYKID: Right. And M____ is World-Saving…

:o) I'm relieved to see your living room looks as messy as ours.

Glad to see your ankle-biters back. Adorable, although obviously not as adorable as my granddaughter! How about a silly radio button poll?

I hope you had a great summer. I'm a gramps with a 1.5 year old whirlwind grandson who wears me out! That's why you young folks get to have the fun with the little ones.

One more and they'll outnumber you and Kate.

But don't worry too much about that plot yet. Most kids grow out of that phase. And SteelyKid is not yet old enough to be the proverbial five-year-old advisor to an Evil Overlord.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 03 Sep 2012 #permalink

Sorry to disappoint all of you, Biblia, Chad…but *my* little one is in fact the cutest in the world. Could be why yours are feeling megalomaniacal.

By Peter Davis (not verified) on 03 Sep 2012 #permalink

Eric Lund, and indeed we do not intend to be outnumbered.

By Kate Nepveu (not verified) on 04 Sep 2012 #permalink