Links for 2011-06-24

  • "The argument that copyright takes away your right to say what you want is a bunch of bull. If you are using a copyrighted piece of work, they aren't your words, so any kind of protections for the originator of those words doesn't stop you from saying what you want to or the way that you want to. An uploaded someone else's performance isn't your expression. This is an issue of fair use and what constitutes infringement, not of free speech. The creator of an artistic/literary work has certain rights. It doesn't matter if they might benefit from the exposure you might give them by uploading a video of their work -- if you don't have permission to do so, you aren't allowed to do it!"
  • "The news hit Springsteen fans and music buffs like a punch in the gut: Clarence "Big Man" Clemons, sax player for the E Street Band for nearly forty years, dead at age 69. The king of the world, master of the universe, able to leap tall women in a single bound...was gone.

    As word spread across the internet via social media, Springsteen buffs virtually cried upon one another's shoulders, sharing memories and all that amazing music. If Twitter could somehow magically be transformed into a great bar, Saturday night would have been full of strong drinks, tipsy tears, and sax solo after sax solo blasting from the best jukebox in the universe.

    Earlier this week, our own Ken Shane shared his memories of the Big Man. We continue to remember Clarence Clemons as an immense guy with an immense heart and an immense talent."


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