Thursday Toddler Blogging 012711

Since we had a Mommy-for-scale picture last week, I thought it was high time we had another Daddy-for-scale picture. So, here's SteelyKid before going off to day care this morning:


(Photo credit: Kate)

She's been more than 0.5 Kate in height for a good long while, but now she's coming up on half a me. She's a great big growing toddler, all right.

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Wow, what are you feeding that kid? She's ginormous! Puts the sky bison to shame.

Does she grok yet that these weekly pictures with Appa are to measure her growth?

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 28 Jan 2011 #permalink

Is that a (n archer's) bow leaning against the filing cabinet?

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 28 Jan 2011 #permalink

becca @ #1, surprisingly little for her energy level.

Elizabeth @ #2, I don't think so.

featheredfrog @ #3, no, it's, from top to bottom, the loop of an Ethernet cable, the edge of a calendar, and the top edge of a safety gate awkwardly wedged against the filing cabinet.

Half of a Chad? I see WNBA in her future!

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 29 Jan 2011 #permalink