Links for 2010-12-30

  • "The work of a senator doesn't have to be so painful. If you find yourself complaining because you're being forced to defend indefensible positions by voting on them, it might be that the problem doesn't lie with those forcing you to cast a vote and take a stand. It seems more likely that the problem lies with where you have chosen to stand and why you have chosen to stand there."
  • "In the name of full disclosure, let me admit straight off that this new personal operating principle is not an original production. I stole it from U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer over coffee last month, a week before the election. We were talking about how bad things looked for the Democratic Party, and I noted that this must be a stressful time for the congressman, what with all the cross-country travel he does, the lack of economic good news and the prospect of being back in the minority soon.

    No, he agreed, these aren't the happiest of days. "But we have a saying in my family: No whining on the yacht." "

  • "Socrates: "Why do people think philosophy is bullshit? Let me put it this way - imagine you're in a cave, all chained up so you can't turn your body at all, and all you get to look at is this one wall. Some assholes behind you are making shadow puppets using the light from a fire and making echo noises and that's all you or anyone else chained up has seen or heard all your life. Sounds terrible, right? Except it's all you've ever known, shadows and echoes, and that's your whole world - there's no way you could know that, really, you're watching a slightly-improved M. Night Shyamalan film."

More like this » Post Topic » The Accidental Trilogy: Logan's Run, Soylent Green, and The Omega Man "The problem is, Lucas made [Star Wars] so immersive that nobody noticed the allegory, and the effects so beautiful that everyone judged all subsequent films by the standards he set. From now…
slacktivist: TF: Bruce's sermon, part 1 "There's a monster at the end of this book. And if the authors succeed at what they've set out to do, that monster is you. That's part of why one should only read these books slowly, in small, weekly doses, while pausing to scream at or mock every page." (…
slacktivist: Sex & Money, part 2 "I'm being too polite here. I need to state this more vigorously because I need to put it in a way that will make my accusers fruitfully angry. So let me try this: The Bible is not a book about homosexuality and it will not allow itself to be treated as a book…
Bristol Palin and two kinds of virginity | TPMCafe "Prior to the Palin blow-up, the evangelical wing and the traditional upper crust WASP wing of the party had a pretty basic agreement about the value of pure white virgin daughters. Having a few of these hanging around on podiums made politicians…