None Dare Call It Treason

As usual, the most sensible commentary on the Southern organizations celebrating the 150th anniversary of secession comes from the Daily Show. Specifically, Larry Wilmore:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The South's Secession Commemoration
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This whole business makes me think the British have the right idea regarding the commemoration of treason. We should have an annual Jefferson Davis day, but along the lines of Guy Fawkes day, not a fancy-dress ball for neo-confederates. If we'd spent the last century and a half burning them in effigy, maybe we wouldn't have to suffer people with confederate flag decals on their trucks questioning the patriotism of New Yorkers.

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It would be fun, though, to have a holiday where we could burn something in effigy, like maybe Jefferson Davis.

Remember remember twenty-fourth of December
Secessionist slaveholder plot
I see no reason why calling it treason
Ever should be forgot

As long as I still get the day off from work (AL state employee here) I'd be happy to burn Jeff Davis in effigy on his birthday.

By marciepooh (not verified) on 14 Dec 2010 #permalink

The most unfortunate thing about the whole idea is that the whole idea is not dead. There are lots of people, including quite a few politicians, who think the South had the right idea. They cloak it in "states' rights" but of course it all boils down to the white power structure (rich, old, white men) controlling everything. I live down here, and my opinion now is that maybe it would be pretty good for the rest of the country if everyone who believes that stuff moved down South and the sane among of us down here could move some other place where you don't drown in your own sweat if you take a walk in July. Then we could let them secede and the rest of us would be the better for it.

Marcie: Wait, you get a day off from work for Jefferson Davis' birthday????

My 11th grad American History teacher sometimes called it "the War of Northern Aggression." I'd like to think he was joking, but now I'm not so sure.

By katydid13 (not verified) on 14 Dec 2010 #permalink

Yep. We state workers get Confederate Memorial Day (last Monday in April) and Jefferson Davis' Birthday (first Monday in June) off. (As I understand it's because years ago the employees took the extra holidays instead of a raise.) And I'd be glad to do some effigy burning on those days in celebration. It'd be a lot more fun than scouring Wikipedia for alternate things to say the day is.

By marciepooh (not verified) on 14 Dec 2010 #permalink

American revolution was also a treason. The two didn't differ all that much as far as I can tell, apart from the fact that the second one failed.

History is written by the victors.

American revolution was also a treason. The two didn't differ all that much as far as I can tell, apart from the fact that the second one failed.

Other than, you know, that one was fought over the right to own other human beings as property and the other wasn't. A minor difference, but there you go.

Secession in and of itself isn't evil. While many of the the Confederate States seceded because of slavery (especially South Carolina), some northern abolitionists (e.g. Lysander Spooner) were calling for northern states to secede prior to the war.

By mad_prophet (not verified) on 16 Dec 2010 #permalink

Secession might not be evil, but the Confederacy was. It was all about slavery, and each state's statement of secession cited slavery as its primary cause. The mere fact that so many apologists try to argue that the Confederate cause was other than slavery shows that even they recognize the evil of their cause, but what does one expect from apologists trying to justify that which cannot be justified.

The Confederacy still is evil, with the murder, divorce and poverty belts running through its heart to this day.

I'm not here to argue the merits of the position of "northern saints, southern sinners," as it has little to do with topic of secession.

By mad_prophet (not verified) on 17 Dec 2010 #permalink