Links for 2010-05-03


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Clive Thompson nails it when he describes the importance of statistical thinking (italics original; boldtype mine): Statistics is hard. But that's not just an issue of individual understanding; it's also becoming one of the nation's biggest political problems. We live in a world where the thorniest…
The Trouble with Scientists | Speakeasy Science "Scientists won't talk to journalists; they don't want to waste their time "dumbing it down"; they don't see it as "making us smarter." So many of the good stories in science don't get covered at all. Or the stories get covered only for an already…
Scientists and Kool-Aid § Unqualified Offerings "In my department weâll often produce documents that have lots of buzzwords, but nobody really takes it seriously. You can always get appreciative chuckles in a department meeting if you poke fun at your own handiwork. Higher on the food chain,…
It's been a while since we've done a Sunday Function, so let's get back into the swing of things with a weird one. This is Thomae's function, and using Wikipedia's conveniently typeset definition: If you're new to the concept of rational and irrational numbers, it's pretty simple. A number is…

For an even more in-depth look at (well, listen to) Daniel Pink's stuff, I recommend a recent interview with him on CBC's Spark show.

Almost all of the content from that TED talk, plus answering a few of the implied questions that the video raises.