Kid-Lit Poll: Fish?

We had a parent-teacher conference this morning with SteelyKid's teacher at day care, who confirmed that she is the cutest and cleverest baby in the universe. OK, not in those words, but that's how I interpreted them. In honor of that, here's a poll:

There's probably another stanza worth of choices, but unlike my parents, I don't have this one memorized. This ought to do for now.

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One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is *long*, especially once you have a kiddo who actually looks over your shoulder as you're reading at bedtime to make sure you don't "miss" a single page.

However, it is less likely to result in a tongue injury than Fox in Socks.

Black fish,
Blue fish,
Old fish
New fish

This one has a little star
This one has a little car

(from memory, waiting on hold)

Blue fish goes better with Green Eggs and Ham.

Nothing in english literature can match when tweetle beetle's battle in a puddle in a bottle and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles ...

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 29 Jan 2010 #permalink

How can you not have this memorized? SteelyKid is obviously not demanding enough.

I agree with Dr Free-Ride that Fox in Socks is a serious danger to the speaker.

I'll third the caution on Fox in Socks. Tongue is still swollen.

Twofish is not only literary, but also an encryption scheme.

By David Owen-Cruise (not verified) on 29 Jan 2010 #permalink

How can you not have this memorized? SteelyKid is obviously not demanding enough.

SteelyKid rarely sits still long enough to be read to. She's getting closer to it, though.

I don't see how anybody can choose anything other than red fish in this poll. If you think about it, it really is the most important part of the excerpt. "one fish, two fish" convinces the reader/listener that they are going over a counting exercise, until suddenly and without provocation, COLORS! It's the game changer, it throws you for a loop. Well if we can just go form numbers to colors, what could possibly come after red? Oh, blue. Red creates drama and suspense, but blue is just a continuation of colors so it doesn't live up the hype. Blue doesn't break the previous convention.

I'm disappointed in so many of you. Blue shouldn't be leading right now.

I agree with CCPhysicist, nothing beats tweetle beetle's battling with paddles in bottle on the back of a noodle eating poodle. Those who are afraid of Fox in Socks are just wimps. (I might be biased because it was just about my PawPaw's favorite book ever.)

By marciepooh (not verified) on 29 Jan 2010 #permalink

What a lot of fish there are!

But Quark, people who chose two fish get one more fish then everyone else! Who's disappointing whom now?

There's probably another stanza worth of choices, but unlike my parents, I don't have this one memorized.

But you will. You...will....

Blue is just the coolest, and I'm so glad so many people agree.

Go, blue fish!

By Jo Walton (not verified) on 30 Jan 2010 #permalink

The high point of "One Fish, Two Fish" is the Beckett-like spread with the two fellows standing back to back and speaking to each other on a nonfunctioning telephone: "I called you up to say hello. I said hello. Can you hear me, Joe?" "Oh no, I cannot hear your call. I cannot hear your call at all..."

At my last job, working on cell phones, my cube-neighbor had that pinned up on her wall.

This book is the reason I passed astronomy:

From shift, to shift
red shift, blue shift

I got out from under "Fox'n Sox" by buying my son the complete "Thomas the Tank Engine", all 26 books. Why does he limit the repertoire to one out of over a 100 stories (Thomas and the trucks, I knew you'd ask).