Links for 2010-01-03


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slacktivist: The IndigNation "That's an example of what's often missing today in dealing with the IndigNation. These people are offended and outraged and so politicians and journalists respond by trying not to further offend or enrage them. As though that were possible. Indignation is their…
Charlie Rose - An interview with David Foster Wallace A 1997 interview, when Wallace was promoting A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, covering a wide range of topics. (tags: video writing books literature movies humanities academia society culture) In Which Your Host Witnesses a High-…
Jason Sanford: Why science fiction predictions hold back the genre "In many ways, the idea that science fiction is about predicting the future is a remnant of the genre's past. During the 1940s and '50s, genre promoters pitched SF as a way to inspire and teach people about science and technology…
Miracle Diet Through Physics! : Built on Facts "This immediately suggests a tempting diet plan, if not a very lucrative one: drink lots of cold water. Your body burns calories warming up the H2O, you lose weight without much effort. Plausible?" (tags: science food blogs physics built-on-facts)…