Links for 2009-11-29

  • "My older son, Gabe, turned 3 in May, and I knew this would be the season I would finally take him to his first basketball game. I wanted the experience to be fun, the start of what I hoped would be a lifetime of basketball fandom. "
  • "A well-entrenched narrative tells the story of the Einstein-Bohr debate as one in which Einstein's tries, from 1927 through 1930, to prove the quantum theory incorrect via thought experiments exhibiting in-principle violations of the Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, only to have Bohr find the flaw in each, after which Einstein shifts his direction of attack, faulting the quantum theory now not as incorrect, but incomplete. [...]
    That something is seriously wrong with this triumphalist narrative has been remarked upon by various authors for more than twenty years."
  • "According to team sources, when teammate Tony Parker failed to call out the angle of a bank shot later in the game, Duncan glared at the point guard for the entire fourth quarter."
  • "What made Dr. K memorable was a gimmick he employed that began with his introduction at the beginning of his first class:

    "Now I know some of you have already heard of me, but for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar, let me explain how I teach. Between today until the class right before finals, it is my intention to work into each of my lectures ... one lie. Your job, as students, among other things, is to try and catch me in the Lie of the Day."

    And thus began our ten-week course."


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