Links for 2009-08-31


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Art - Lapham's Quarterly It takes seven steps to get from Kevin Bacon to Mark Twain (tags: books literature history art music pictures movies culture silly) Shocking: Michael Faraday does biology! (1839) « Skulls in the Stars "These experiments are fascinating and paint an amusing picture:…
Making Light: Epubbing the Backlist ""So," I said, "what the heck. Why not try republishing some of our short stories in electronic versions? All the cool kids are doing it...."             "Why not" included the fact that we didn't have electronic text versions of many of our stories. Stuff that…
Making Light: Panels and parlor games "So all you lucky devils went to Worldcon and I didn't. And now I get to read panel reports, which are always both fun and tantalizingly vague. So let's have a game of it. What fictional characters would you put on a panel, what would you have them talk about…
Our Boring Future | Mother Jones A variant on Joe Fitzsimon's comment on Twitter: "How to be a futurist in 1 easy step: confuse logistic curves for unbounded exponential growth." (tags: society social-science politics blogs kevin-drum) Making Light: "We live underground. We speak with our hands…