Links for 2009-08-14


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kate_nepveu: Worldcon: online jerkitude "I'm trying to come up with a list of bedrock principles that apply across all online contexts, and I keep getting bogged down in my lawyer tendencies. So what would you say are the fundamental, applies-anywhere minimum requirements of human decency when it…
Pimp My Novel: Genre-Specific Sales, Part 1 of 8: Fantasy "The good news, however is this: fantasy is actually doing all right, and in many instances, sales of fantasy books are up over last year's sales. Without quoting you exact BookScan numbers, I can tell you that fantasy book sales are up at…
Why Public Employees Are The New Welfare Queens | The New Republic "To what extent is the problem that the retirement benefits for unionized public sector workers have become too generous? And to what extent is the problem that retirement benefits for everybody else have become too stingy? I…
Pimp My Novel: Tip O' the Week: Chasing Trends "If you're currently penning a fantasy novel centering on a pious zombie vampire from an alternate 19th century in which science/alchemy/the Bible has predicted the earth's impending doom, uh, please send it to me, because that could be awesome. More…