"Dozens of people can say they were members of indie-rock institution Guided By Voices during its 21-year run, but the Dayton, Ohio-based band was chiefly a creative outlet for a music-obsessed former schoolteacher named Robert Pollard. And Pollard was very creative, capable of writing an album's worth of songs in a single day, and recording and releasing them almost as quickly. "
Not as badly as you might think. But not well.
In other news, subtraction adds value to education in accounting.
"Pluto is like a green leafy plant that some would say is a bush and some would say is a tree. To make things clear, scientist have created the following definition of a planet. A planet is an object that meets the following requirements:
* Orbits the sun (this is ok for Pluto)
* Large enough to be spherical (this is also ok for Pluto)
* The most massive object in its neighborhood of the solar system (this is where Pluto fails)." -
"I find the play-by-play, who's-up-who's-down BS silly and perhaps a bit ahistorical as regards how legislation is done. I mean, really: What? The president is not getting 100% of what he wants out of Congress? What? The opposition is opposed? What? Some congressman with shaky re-relection chances is making a stink that looks good to the people back at home? What? Getting it all through the legislative process is taking longer than anyone expected? I am shocked and may become vaporous."
"The author of some of the most startling graphic stories of recent years is not what you'd expect of an artist, but then his are not your typical picture books"
"Despite remarkable efforts by RJ's family to keep fans informed throughout the entire writing process, the question still remains: will this new novel be a worthy installment to the series? Is Brandon Sanderson, the young author who was tapped to finish it, up to par? Will this book feel like a Robert Jordan novel?
I have these answers.
I have read The Gathering Storm. And I will share. "
A classmate of my sister's is running an NFL pool with 25% of the proceeds going to the local preschool. Not sure what I think of this as a fundraising strategy.
The cat is more accurate than funny.
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