Links for 2009-07-31


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Pfizer Launches 'Zoloft For Everything' Ad Campaign | The Onion - America's Finest News Source ""At first, Zoloft was only used to treat depression," Pugh said. "But what is depression, really? Who died and gave doctors the authority to dictate who is and isn't depressed? One man's hangnail could… - Hoe amerikanen voetbal kijken A good spoof of American sports television, applied to soccer. the titles are Dutch, but the video is in English. (tags: soccer sports world television silly) World Cup 2010: Brick-by-brick fussball - England 1-1 USA | Video | Football | guardian.…
Barack Obama Defeats Barack Hussein Obama | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Though few had heard of the freedom-hating extremist before, Barack Hussein Obama quickly garnered attention in several key regions of the country, and saw his popularity buoyed by conservative talk-radio hosts…
theweaselking: Never trust a marsupial. (tags: silly video animals) Do You Have Swine Flu? Because you need confirmation from the Internet. (tags: silly medicine internet) Jacks of Science » Blog Archive » Learning Science through Comic Books, A List "Reading textbooks gives me scary…