The Anacapa Society

I've had a few conversations with other small-college folks about how there ought to be some sort of group within DAMOP for people at small colleges, given how many of us there are who do AMO physics. Nothing has ever come of it, because nobody wants to take on the administrative hassle of organizing such a thing.

Fortunately for small-college theorists, they have some people who are more willing to step up, and have formed the Anacapa Society:

The Anacapa Society promotes research in all areas of theoretical and computational physics at primarily undergraduate institutions. The Society facilitates professional contacts and collaboration, and supports the distinctive role theorists at undergraduate institutions can play in physics, the intellectual community, and the broader world.

They've got a spiffy website, and more importantly, a home at amherst College (pity about the location...) and a workshop coming up in a few weeks. If you're a theorist at an undergraduate institution, or have a friend who is, check it out.

(News via Arjendu.)

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I'm an undergraduate classmate of yours & I approve of how you left off the capitalization for the unfortunate location.

Hm. One of my prof's mentioned that his work was in quantum chemical theory. I didn't know that it was common for theorists to end up at small universities. Just out of curiosity -- Is that because it's cheaper to write up theories than to perform experiments?