Antici-- (wait for it)-- pation Schedule

Kate and I will both be on programming at Anticipation, the upcoming Worldcon in Montreal. The official program should be up on the web soonish, but I got my schedule by email, and figured I would post it here for those who care:

When: Fri 10:00

Title: How to Effectively Talk about Science to Non-Scientists and
Why it Matters

Description: Presenting one's ideas is ever more crucial for
scientists. If we don't do it well, you can be certain someone else
will do it badly.

(This will be a slightly reconfigured version of the talk I gave at the Science21 meeting last fall.)

When: Sat 10:00

Title: The Philosophy of Science

All Participants: Chad R. Orzel, Greer Gilman, James Morrow, Jeff
Warner, Richard Crownover, M.D., Ph.D., DD Barant

Description: To what extent does SF explore the meaning of science
for scientists and create the ideas that our culture has of science?

(I'm moderating this one. I was on a panel with James Morrow at Boskone, and I've seen Greer Gilman around a lot. The other two, I don't know.)

When: Mon 14:00

Title: Fan's aren't Slans!: Pathologies of Fannish Culture

All Participants: Chad R. Orzel, Kate Nepveu, Patrick Nielsen Hayden,
Steve Green

Moderator: Kate Nepveu

Description: A long look at the various groups and subgroups within
fandom, and how they all get along, with each other and with reality.
Evidence may be drawn from this weekend!

(The title was my suggestion; the description is someone else's.)

It's relatively light, which is fine by me. Kate's got a much heavier schedule than I do-- she's on seven different panels, and that's after turning some things down...


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