links for 2009-05-07


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Notes on sociopathy "Sometimes, a day of interacting with the rest of the human race on the roads and streets leaves you convinced that the world would be a much nicer place if most newborn humans were tossed in a burlap sack with some stones and then deposited in the nearest pond. But hereâs…
Confessions of a Community College Dean: College Prep "In some circles, 'college' is an undifferentiated term for a place that other people go to get the kinds of jobs that other people get. It's probably some kind of racket, though the exact workings are hard to detail. In some circles, 'college…
The Microhistorical Unknown « Easily Distracted "One thing that frustrates me at times about "big history", world history or large-scale historical sociology is the extent to which historians writing in those traditions tend to assume that it's turtles all the way down, that the insights of big…
Emptywheel » This Miracle Brought to You by Americaâs Unions "They're calling it a miracle--the successful landing of a US Airways jet in the Hudson and subsequent rescue of all 155 passengers. They're detailing the heroism of all involved, starting with the pilot and including cabin crew, ferry…

My Dean does a lot of classroom observations, and (due to his cloak of invisibility) gets to see what it looks like from the back of the room. He notes that there is a cone of influence for any open laptop, regardless of what the student is doing - although the student is usually on facebook. If you allow laptops, limit them to the back row.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink