How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Coming This Christmas

I have an official release date for the book-in-production: December 22nd. There's no lay-down date, though, so they may turn up in stores before then. Mark it down on your Christmas list now...

There's also an official title and cover:


Emmy's slightly miffed that she's not the dog on the cover, but that's what she gets for refusing to do the quizzical head-tilt when I have the camera.

I am, as you might guess, pretty excited. I've also got a complete schedule for the process from here on out-- the next step is getting the copyedited pages, which should get here in the second week of April. Fun, fun, fun...

Update: I didn't think to check before posting, but it's available for pre-ordering from Amazon. Woo-hoo!

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Congrats, Chad! Can't wait for it!

Are you going to take this show on the road at all? Any appearances?


I've already pre-ordered my copy from Amazon. I'll try to remember to look surprised when I unwrap the present under the tree that nobody remembers getting for me...

By Eric Johnson (not verified) on 13 Mar 2009 #permalink

Congratulations! I've got my copy on pre-order from Amazon now.

By Kenneth Cavness (not verified) on 13 Mar 2009 #permalink

Hearty congratulations, Professor!

But knowing dogs as I do, I'd be very, very concerned that Emmy has nine months to exact some sort of revenge. Watch your back, bro.

You might consider posting what this book is about.

By Greg Esres (not verified) on 13 Mar 2009 #permalink


My dog is already an expert on the ballistics & trajectories of thrown tennis balls, and so far sees no advantage to studying less practical applications of esoteric abstractions.

When your counting system is a tidy "one, many", and you have a staff to whom you delegate all paperwork, what further study is justified?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 13 Mar 2009 #permalink

Huzzah! This is destined for every would-be Gromit's bookshelf, resting comfortably next to "Electricity for Dogs."

Could you do a special limited edition with Emmy's pic, just for her fans?

(Oh, I want her pawtograph, too!)


(It does occur to me that they really should want it to appear in stores a few days before the December 22 release date.)

By Michael I (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Emmy should blame you for teaching her so much physics that she can no longer look quizzical. But more seriously, IMHO that cover art (and title) will not help impulse sales.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

yeah, ccphysicist has a point, what happened to the original "cheese bunnies" title - it was much better.

I see you're getting the turkish "personals" comments spammers as well, we might have to do something constructive about them

Congratulations, Chad! I expect that if the book is successful, there will be pressure for a followup: "How to teach physics to your cat." I wonder what Emmy will think of that?

Are you going to take this show on the road at all? Any appearances?

Probably some, mostly next winter.

You might consider posting what this book is about.

Sorry-- I was posting in haste, and forgot that not everyone knows the full story. The book is a popular-audience book about quantum physics, based around imaginary conversations with my dog. The Bunnies Made of Cheese and Many Worlds, Many Treats posts linked in the left sidebar are the original inspiration, though the final manuscript includes more serious discussions of QM as well.

...but not for my Kindle. Just a request.

But more seriously, IMHO that cover art (and title) will not help impulse sales.


what happened to the original "cheese bunnies" title - it was much better.

I think you overestimate how much influence I have in these matters. Decisions regarding the cover, formats, and marketing are made above my pay grade. I can offer some suggestions, but I don't have veto power or anything close to it.

That said, I like the actual image/ title combination more than I would've thought had you described it to me in words a month ago. And I'm inclined to give the publisher the benefit of the doubt, given that they're the ones who have built their careers on figuring out how to sell books to people.

Give Emmy a head pat condolence for not making the cover for me, and maybe a morsel of steak as compensation.
