DonorsChoose Wrap-Up

It's now November, so the annual DonorsChoose fundraiser is officially over. According to the official leader board, at the time of this writing, ScienceBlogs has raised just under $30,000, from 302 donors, funding projects that will help 9,810 students. Those numbers may increase in the next day or two, as I think a lot of people have yet to allocate their share of Seed's contribution.

(The overall total is down a good bit from last year's $69,000, but given the cratering economy and the election sucking all the air out of the room, that's probably to be expected.)

Many thanks to everyone who gave. Even if it does mean that I'll have to humiliate myself on video-- the Uncertain Principles challenge clocked in at $6,285, in first place among participating ScienceBlogs. We even gave the theorists a good run, despite their much larger readership.

You'll get your monkey-dancing video in a couple of days. Movie Maker now deigns to recognize all the clips I need, so I can do the editing I want to do. I've got day-job stuff to do today, though.

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So, I've recorded a bunch of video for the dance-like-a-monkey thing. I want to edit several of these clips together in order to form a longer clip. I did this once before with video recorded using Kate's camera, to make the Hoops With Moss video, using the Movie Maker program that came with Vista…
So, the final numbers are in, one day late thanks to that bastard Colbert. The official Uncertain Principles DonorsChoose Challenge raised $3,607 from 48 donors over the last month, good for second place among ScienceBlogs blogs, in both categories. That's better than I realistically expected to do…
At Uncertain Principles, Chad is motivating his readers to donate to his DonorsChoose challenge by offering a big reward: Last year, I famously got $6,000 in contributions by offering to dance like a monkey, but I'm not sure what would follow that. So, What should I offer to do if I manage to…
This year's DonorsChoose challenge is doing pretty well, with the total standing at a bit over $2,200. Thanks to all who have donated thus far. There's a new development in this year's challenge, which is that Hewlett-Packard is going to donate $200,000 to DonorsChoose, which will be divided among…

Congratulations, Chad! Thanks to you (and your readers) for your support of so many teachers and students across the country. We're all looking forward to seeing that video...

- The Team