links for 2008-08-28


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The Nature of Glass Remains Anything but Clear - "David A. Weitz, a physics professor at Harvard, joked, "There are more theories of the glass transition than there are theorists who propose them."" (tags: physics materials science) Medium Large It's back! Maybe the best Web comic…
DFL: Getting to the Games: A Reality Check "A common misconception -- a result, no doubt, of the countless stories about Eddie the Eagle and Eric the Eel -- is that it's not that hard to qualify for the Olympics, if you pick your sports and countries shrewdly." (tags: sports blogs) Methodist…
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Data paparazzi. Is it ethical to write a paper based on a snapshot of a data slide at a conference? (tags: ethics science publishing physics academia) Jonathan Martin's Blog: Democrat reader email of the day (so far) - "Mrs. Palin needs to be…
Mars Lander Succumbs to Winter - Farewell, Phoenix, thou good and faithful servant. (tags: space planets science astronomy news) Deep Secrets of 'The Daily Show' - City Room Blog - "Mr. Remnick asked the writers and producers what a typical day at "The Daily Show" is…