links for 2008-08-21


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xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe "Six more weeks of winter." (tags: kid-stuff silly comics) Stanford Law Drops Letter Grades :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs "Those who support the change at Stanford argue…
Economists Say Movie Violence Might Temper the Real Thing - New York Times "From 6 p.m. to midnight on weekends -- when the largest numbers of people are in theaters -- violent crimes decreased 1.3 percent for every million people watching a strongly violent movie, the study found. Violent crimes…
Cocktail Party Physics: a bevy of bloggers (#scio10) "I especially liked Carl's (I think it was Carl) description of this emergent media enterprise as a delicately balanced ecosystem, each segment interdependent on the others for survival. Several weeks ago, Bora! posted one of his occasional…
[0712.1649] Warp Drive: A New Approach "In this paper we demonstrate that a sufficiently advanced civilization could, in principal, manipulate the radius of the extra dimension to locally adjust the value of the cosmological constant." (tags: physics theory science silly articles) The…

Screw the space, that is one of the more awesome bits he's done, and damn it, it so totally fits the tone you set with your chats with Emmy.