"Our observations have established a pulsed source of atomic antimatter, with a rise time of about 1 s, and a pulse length ranging from 3 to 100 s. "
"In this Letter, we consider general hidden variable models which can have both local and nonlocal parts. We show the existence of (experimentally verifiable) quantum correlations that are incompatible with any hidden variable model having a nontrivial local part,"
"For those of you who aren't afraid of "uberconnected web 2.0"-ing,"
"[P]hysicists in the US and Lithuania have come up with an idea for a test bed that could help in the realization of one of the most important spintronic devices â the so-called DattaâÂÂDas transistor "
"For Food Network host Alton Brown, science plays more than a cameo role"
"[Researchers] have collimated laser light by placing a thin, patterned metal film on the output facet of a semiconductor laser."
SF stories from Helix, for those who would like to read them without rewarding the editor's recism.
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