links for 2008-06-05


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Water confirmed on distant planet - Any lingering doubts about whether water exists on a planet orbiting a star 63 light years away have been quashed by astronomers in the US. The team measured infrared light emitted by the planet, known as HD 189733b, and found distinct spectral…
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: More Doctors of Philosophy (and Science) The number of Ph.D.'s awarded goes up, but most of the increase is among foreign-born researchers. (tags: academia US education) Confessions of a Community College Dean: Access and…
Southern Baptists Back a Shift on Climate Change - New York Times '[T]he new declaration, which will be released Monday, states, "Our cautious response to these issues in the face of mounting evidence may be seen by the world as uncaring, reckless and ill-informed."' (tags: politics religion…
Bad Baby Names - A Boy Named Sue, and a Theory of Names - John Tierney - New York Times "During his 1969 concert at San Quentin prison, Johnny Cash proposed a paradigm shift in the field of developmental psychology. " (tags: kid-stuff psychology science society culture music) Gen Ed Reform --…

ARISE is unsuited to grant funding.

"Let me have men about me that are fat, sleek-headed men and, such as sleep o'nights. Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much, such men are dangerous." Shakespeare, Julius Caesar Act I, scene ii.

1) "Inert intelligence is the paradigm of institutional racism," Boalt Hall, UC/Berkeley, 1998.

1) Select the Profoundly Gifted by standardized test scores! Gratis satisfy their every care, including food. Suspend professional management as they pursue their own sick interests. What does that obtain? (Google)

Funding the young, the clever, and the risk non-aversive violates every parameter of PERT determinism. Process has precedence over product. Discovery is insubordination. "I want my staff packed with fat, bald-headed guys who aren't too bright and like to sleep a lot."
Somebody should look.