The Queen Surveys the Scene


"What the hell is this?"

"We're remodeling the garage into a family room."

"Oooh! That's a good idea!"

"Thanks. We're so glad you approve."

"So, where are you going to put the bunny hutch?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"For me to keep my bunnies in!"

"You don't have any bunnies."

"Not yet, I don't, but now that we'll have room, you can buy me some. I can play with them in here, or out in my yard..."

"Ah, no. I don't think so. We won't be buying you any bunnies."

"Then why did you buy the bunny hutch?"

"The what?"

"The hutch. The thing with the hard mattress surrounded by bars, upstairs. It's for keeping bunnies in, isn't it?"

"Ummm.... yeah. About that..."


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Why was the drywall in the finished part of the house done in such small, horizontal strips?

By Matt Platte (not verified) on 17 May 2008 #permalink

Why was the drywall in the finished part of the house done in such small, horizontal strips?

I'm not sure what that is.
The walls in the main part of the house aren't drywall, they're inch-thick rock-hard plaster. Where they cut through to make the new doorway looked a lot like drywall, though. It may be that the garage and my office were added later, or something like that.

I really don't know, though.

It's high time you had a talk with Emmy about people puppies.

Thoughts on narrow, horizontal drywall. If the person who did that work was working solo and perhaps not the strongest individual, it perhaps seemed easier to cut 4 x 8 sheets in two and mount them horizontally, allowing the previous pieces to support the weight of the board being mounted. Just a guess.

The old wall is probably plaster on gypsum lathe. Wikipedia says those came in 2x4' sheets.

By Ian Burrell (not verified) on 17 May 2008 #permalink

She said, "What the hell..." All grown up now!