Exhausted Dog Blogging

You have no idea how hard it is to be the Queen of Niskayuna. Between the talking about Relativity, and the people working on the house, and the nice weather, and the squirrels, and the cleaning service coming by, and the inferior dogs in the neighborhood, well, she's just wiped out:


She was too tired to even arrange her pillows in a satisfactory manner last night. She managed on Wednesday, and the resulting picture is much cuter:


There are probably two more weeks to go on the construction project, so life won't get any easier for Her Majesty. I'm sure she'll find a way to muddle through, though.


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Dear Emmy,

I can't imagine having to deal with construction workers. It's bad enough that I have to hold down the bed, blue chair, dirty clothes, and couch while Mom is at work. I feel for you.

Yours Truly,

By marciepooh (not verified) on 09 May 2008 #permalink

(with a hat tip to marcipooh)

All hail the Queen!

I will be sending some of my hard-earned reserve sleep (hey, SOMEONE has to sleep on the bed while the Humanpets are at work!) to you via quantum tunnelling or some such nonsense. Yes, you will have to have your own Humanpet write another dialog to explain tunnelling to me, but I digress. The next time I am outside I will convince the Cheese Bunnies of Maryland to make a pilgrimage north to aid you in your time of suffering and need. It's raining here anyway and they're probably getting moldy.

Bogie the Untitled

Bogie, it may be small repayment for sending Maryland's Cheese Bunnies our way, but I hope you will be pleased to know that tunneling is in the forthcoming book . . .

Bogie's Humanpet here... I've been trying to explain tunneling to him for years, but he always gets distracted by shiny objects and birds invading his personal domain. Clearly, German Shepherd crossbreeds have longer attention spans than cocker spaniels.

Okay, not that I'm ignoring the poor dog (as my own two are going through the same exact thing), but did I read that right, that you're in Niskayuna? Like, Niskayuna, NY?

I clicked on your link from a comment you made on ProBlogger, and this is what I find? That you live 30 minutes from me? How small worldish can you get? :)