"A thought experiment that finds a contradiction has only shown that the transforms have not been properly applied -- the author has made a math error, or made a bad assumption"
"[T]he final part of a long post on the searches for new particles that may be the solution of a long-standing problem in astrophysics today: the missing mass in our Universe."
"Interview candidates tagged Last Guy Before Lunchtime, First Guy After Lunchtime, Last Guy for the Day, all should be given another chance some other time to present their stuff, when the audience are in a responsive mood."
"Wait an hour after eating to get in the swimming pool, or you'll get a cramp and die!"
"[Adams] behaves in public exactly the way he's feeling that day, which makes him look insincere when he's actually being completely, utterly, stupidly sincere."
How eyes evolved.
"These dust devils are HUGE, reaching hundreds of meters into the sky. This is not only cool, it's good news."
How people of different classes approach possessions.
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