Little Brother for Free

Speaking of YA literature (as I was, briefly, in the previous post), I would be remiss if I didn't note that Cory Doctorow has put up a Little Brother section on his web site, promoting his new book. As with all of his books, it's available for free download, so if you'd like to read it but don't want to pay for it sight unseen, you can check it out.

You may or may not remember, but I enthusiastically reviewed it back in March (I got an ARC at Boskone):

Little Brother is Cory Doctorow's bid for a place on this year's list of banned books. It's a book that not only encourages kids to hack computers, commit vandalism, and thwart law enforcement, it gives them detailed instructions on the best ways to do those things. It even comes with two afterwords and a bibliography pointing them to even more resources on how best to subvert the political order.

If-- oh, who am I kidding, when Little Brother is challenged and banned from school libraries, it will richly deserve it.

And when that happens, you should go buy five copies and hand them out to teenagers on the street.

If that appeals to you, go get yourself a copy.


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There was a comment posted elsewhere - Making Light, I believe - that this is one of the few books to entertain so well while being so unsubtly propaganda; I concur.

Serendipitously, I have a 14 year-old niece :-).

=LOL= For some unknown reason, this reminds me of Steal This Book!

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 06 May 2008 #permalink