Uncomfortable Questions: Spitzer

Eric Lund asks:

Do you have any comments on the Eliot Spitzer scandal/resignation?

Nothing original, which is why I haven't commented. I had the same "what he said" reaction as most people who linked to August J. Pollak, but I didn't think that was worth a post.

I've never met Spitzer myself, though I did stand sort of near him at a Springsteen concert. Kate interviewed with him when he was Attorney General, and met with him once or twice more, and said he seemed smart, energetic, and likeable. She says that he did great things for the AG's office, which had been left in bad shape, so he deserves credit for that.

And I guess he did find a spectacular and memorable way of ending his political career, probably the most impressive implosion since Marion Barry. He'll certainly be remembered. I just hope he doesn't try to reproduce Barry's later trajectory-- that was sordid even by the standards of DC politics.

I can't begin to imagine what he could've been thinking. I will admit to a certain amount of curiosity about what, exactly, a $5,000/hour prostitute does that would justify the expense, but I think I can find a way to live without that knowledge.

Other than that, I got nothing.


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" ... what he could've been thinking." I think that politicians and rich people, and especially rich politicians, think differently from the rest of us. As in, "The rules don't apply to me."

Or, the on other hand, maybe he had some sort of self-destructive urge.

I'm reasonably sure that the "Emperor's Club" use of different 'grades' of prostitute was mostly only a marketing ploy.

Brilliant marketing, though:

"You can hire 'Katy' here for $1,000 an hour - OR you can have 'Ekaterina' for $5,000 an hour. Now, Mr. Big-Shot-Emperor's-Club-VIP, Mr. 'Nothing-but-the-best-for-me' - - who do you want?"

And apparently there are johns who are dumb enough to think that the proffered 'Katy' and 'Ekaterina' are actually different girls.

However, I'm only reasonably sure of this hypothesis, never having done the research....

By 'As You Know' Bob (not verified) on 19 Mar 2008 #permalink

I suspect Spitzer's secret fetish is being spanked by the media. The papers and talking heads are all talking trash about him, and he's watching it all in a tent.

By Johan Larson (not verified) on 20 Mar 2008 #permalink