Over at Terra Sigillata, Abel Pharmboy has live-blogged his own vasectomy.
Why did he do this? Your guess is as good as mine.
Why am I linking to it? Misery loves company. Until I figure out a way to scrub that knowledge out of my brain, the best I can do is make sure that the rest of you suffer, too...
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First off, you and Kate have the warmest congratulations the Pharmboy family can offer. Wishing you a healthy and uneventful pregnancy and delivery!
What can I say? I felt bad about using my vasectomy as an excuse not to get a post out on Thursday.
In all seriousness, I wanted to use my self-effacing account to draw attention to a relatively painless yet effective procedure that men rarely discuss amongst themselves. Judging from the blog reactions and the comment threads, we got some good dialogue going and have dispelled many myths. I'm still a little sore but I feel like I did a good thing - for my wife and for my blogging community!
Believe it or not, my guess is that your turn will come somewhere down the road.
Anyway, thanks for the link!