DonorsChoose: Limping to the Finish Line

The ScienceBlogs DonorsChoose challenge event runs through the end of this month, which means we'll take new contributions through the end of Wednesday. The Uncertain Principles challenge stands at $3,412 at the moment, which is terrific-- more than I realistically expected to get (I set the challenge goal too high at the start).

I'd love to say that I have a brilliant idea of something to offer to get even more contributions, but, frankly, I'm beat. I've gotten a few new donations in the last week, but not one entry for either of the incentive offers. I suspect we're pretty well tapped out, and further solicitations would just be beating my head against a wall..

So, I'll extend the current incentive offers through Wednesday (for a $30 donation, you can request a post on a topic of your choice; any donation will get you a chance to win a guest post; and the largest donor will get a dog dialogue on a topic of their choice), and concentrate on writing posts to pay off the outstanding offers. Other than that, I'm going to shut up.

If you've already donated, thank you very much. If you'd like to donate now, here's the link again.

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