Some things I've noticed lately:
Anton Zeilinger (Vienna) has a blog. It's in German, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?
I found that out at Michael Nielsen's place, where he's started blogging again after a little hiatus.
In an effort to improve on my bibdesk+bibtex+folder-full-of-local-pdfs system, I've been playing around citeulike, Papers, and Nielsen's Academic Reader. Papers is crippled for physicists by its sole reliance on PubMed for metadata, but shows a lot of potential. I'm also definitely curious to see where Academic Reader goes as it grows; as it's being developed by physics people, it should end up being the optimum solution...
Street Anatomy is a medical illustration blog. It's cooler than it sounds; you should browse through the archives.
I probably don't need to tell this scene about LibraryThing, but in case you haven't been there and played around with what they're doing, you should. It's an indispensable site for me now, both for keeping track of my own books and for getting word of ones I should get.
Finally, and unrelated, when Stephen King reviews the last Harry Potter book and refers to the epilogue as being "gorgeous" (thanks, Galley Slaves), I don't know what to say. A friend said that it read like a teenager's first attempt at fanfic, and I agree.
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Ugh. Nathan, shouldn't you know that talking about the Harry Potter ending, even elliptically, is a major internet faux pas?
Hasn't everyone who's going to read it done so by now?
Nathan, a lot of people the world over are waiting to read it in their native language - and yes, that is even if their english is decent and they follow english-language blogs. Reading paragraph-length snippets on the web is different from following a seven-volume story arc. Which means it's at least another year before everybody who's going to read it, has.