Giant APS Meeting

The March Meeting of the American Physical Society is happening this week. This is one of two large multi-divisional meetings the APS has each year (the other is in April), and it's billed as the largest physics meeting of the year.

I've only gone to a March Meeting once and that was the year it was combined with the April Meeting to form one gigantic Centennial Meeting, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the APS. I didn't care for it much-- it was much too big to get a sense of what was going on, and the schedule was incredibly busy with no built-in breaks. I much prefer the annual DAMOP meeting, which is considerably smaller, and much more civilized.

Anyway, there should be plenty of physics-related press releases this week, and Jennifer Ouellette is there, so we can hope for some colorful reporting. If I run across anybody live-blogging it, I'll be sure to post a link.

UPDATE: The meeting is being live-blogged by Hamish Johnston on the Physics World blog. There's not much yet, but he just got there. There's sure to be interesting stuff later, so go check it out.


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The only March meeting I've been too was the 100th one in Atlanta. Only time at a physics meeting there have been lines at restrooms and souvenir stands, like a rock show or ball game. The Quantum Info folks gather there now, so I'm likely to start going, and next year is in New Orleans!

Sounds as crazy as the Experimental Biology meetings. So much going on just in biochemistry/mol. biology section it was hard to know what other talks were going on. Interesting to experience now and then. Not something I could do every year.