Scorsese Is Doomed

A few days ago, Inside Higher Ed did an Oscar preview, and asked five academics who study film to predict the Best Picture winner. Three of the five picked The Departed to win, and one of the other two preferred it to his predicted winner (Babel).

Clearly, Scorsese is doomed to lose yet again. Scalzi's half-serious prediction of Letters from Iwo Jima is looking better and better... Or possibly The Queen, which none of the academics even mentioned.

I've seen exactly none of the nominated films, so I really don't have an opinion. If you'd like to offer a prediction, or just call me a cretin for not having seen any of these movies, you know where the comments are...

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Since I haven't seen most of them myself it would be pretty silly to call you a cretin. I did see The Queen, in which Helen Mirren was simply amazing. Even in the animated features I haven't seen all the movies and that's usually the only category I do well in!


The Oscar's going to go to Little Miss Sunshine. Just to rub it in Scorsese's face.

I just saw "The Departed" and I thought it was on the crappy side. Most of the characters were pretty shallow and the storyline was some ridiculous combination between the 21st century (with text messages) and the 1960's. The movie was neither entertaining nor enlightening.

Monster House is the only movie nominated in any category I saw this year, so, this year I decided not to waste my time watching the show.

Dear Chad:
This letter is to inform you that your license has been revoked by the International Union of Soothsayers and Prognosticaters ...

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 26 Feb 2007 #permalink