New Physics Contest

Slow blogging this weekend, as yesterday was taken up with activities that will be blogged about later. Today promises to be a sticky and unpleasant day outside, so I'll probably end up doing a lot of blogging in my nice, comfortable, air-conditioned home office. Of course, there's not much point in posting lots of stuff on a Sunday, so I'll probably just schedule posts for later in the week. But, you know, that's something to look forward to. Or something.

If you'd like a way to pass the time, Scott Aaronson has announced a Best Anthropicism Contest, to see who can come up with the best goofy application of the Anthropic Principle:

Why am I a blogger? Because if I weren't, you wouldn't be reading this.

Enter at Scott's site, winner gets the right to ask him one question and receive an answer on the blog.

Also, the favorite fundamental constant poll needs only seven more comments before it ceases to be dorky, according to at least one commenter... So, why not go vote, and rescue those of us who have already voted from our dorkitude?

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