Fred Phelps: The Untold Story

Leonard Pitts has the scoop:

Allow me to share with you an epiphany. I think Fred Phelps is gay.

Not that I'd have any way to know for sure, and not that there's anything wrong with that. But it seems obvious to me that Freddie has spent a little time up on Brokeback Mountain, if you catch my drift. I'm thinking he's secretly into show tunes, interior decorating and man-sized love.

Via Grim Amusements

(Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother passing on this sort of cheap shot, but Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps is such a miserable piece of filth, I'll make an exception.)

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a friend of mine said he read a profile where his son recounted phelp's behavior pattern. apparently a lot of the members in his 'church' as relatives of some sort, and phelps is physically abusive.

It's not a cheap shot at all. The article is simply making the point that freedom of speech is a two way street. Just as Phelps has the right to claim that soldiers who die in Iraq are burning in hell, we can all speculate on his predilection for eye shadow and Liza Minnelli CDs.

I like Liza Minelli too. Oh my God, am I gay?! ;-)

I don't think it is improper to discuss a possible gay orientation of the man who launches an anti-gay crusade. He could keep his orientation secret if he didn't attack gays.

phelps is physically abusive.

And discussing this is not a cheap shot by any accounts. When someone who launches a moral crusade, we have the right to know if he lives up to his standards, or at least comes somewhere near to them.

On the other hand, Clinton cheated his wife and he's still adored by many -- and I think it reflects very badly on him.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 28 Feb 2006 #permalink

On the other hand, Clinton cheated his wife and he's still adored by many -- and I think it reflects very badly on him.

i think you judge people by different standards depending on their priorities. most liberals don't make a big huff over moral turpitude, so liberal politicians don't get a stung by this sort of thing as conservatives. on the other hand, people like clinton are held to a higher standard than the right on class related issues, people noted that chelsea attended an elite private school in DC. i doubt this is a big deal if the politician is a republican because they've never pushed social egalitarianism as a priority to the same extent.

We can see the same tendency in court sentencing. Sexual crimes and property crimes are not infrequently penalized with longer sentences than crimes that result in the death of a person. It is possible to kill a person in this country without going to jail - drunk drivers have done it for years.

By anonymous (not verified) on 28 Feb 2006 #permalink

Phelps is running a scam. Don't you see that? His attacks are gauged to generate maximum outrage. They aren't beliefs. Did I mention it's a scam?

Phelps is running a scam. Don't you see that? His attacks are gauged to generate maximum outrage. They aren't beliefs. Did I mention it's a scam?

I'm not quite sure what he gets, other than notoriety, but yeah, it's got a lot of the hallmarks of a scam. Which is another reason to mock him at every opportunity.