The Primate Diaries will have been at its new home here at ScienceBlogs for three months this coming Halloween. I know there are a considerable number of regular readers but from where I sit you're all a faceless mob, sitting invisibly out there in the impenetrable dark. I'd like to turn on the houselights for a moment and see who you are.
If you've commented before please introduce yourself and tell me your interests. If you haven't commented before, now's your chance. One of the great things about social media is the interaction between author and audience. The author may offer something in the way of information and entertainment, but the feedback from readers often pushes the author into directions they might not normally have explored before. It's a win-win all around.
So let's hear from you and get the interspecies conversation going . . .
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Hello! I'm John, a graduate student in Marine Science studying toxicology. I'm an all-around evolution junkie and check this blog often.
I'm just your average boogerhead with an interest in evolutionary biology and especially human origins. I have worked most of my adult life in publishing and advertising. I am currently a deckhand for the Washington State Ferries. While I generally am in agreement with the political views expressed in some of your articles, I value the science more than the politics. Thanks for doing the research and sharing your findings.
I am currently an IT Director that plans on going back into college very soon. I am an atheist who has a great interest in science overall. I read a few blogs regularly including yours (obviously).
I enjoy your viewpoints and some of the articles that you post links to. There is some redundancy, however. I think that we may follow some similar sources for information that cause some overlap.
I apologize in advance for any formatting issues caused by posting from my BB.
Oh dear god, I feel so stupid raising my voice here, among such distinguished company. My real name is Nadia Williams, and I'm a writer of fantasy, romance and erotica, though I've had most publishing success with the latter. I comment under my pseudonym as a matter of habit, and didn't really think much of it before now. I usually put a link to Anida's website in the URL space, but today put a link to my own website, which has much more personal information about me.
I discovered Scienceblogs when I lost my religion and started reading Pharyngula on a regular basis. Though I find it amusing, I must agree with a comment I read either on here or on Laelaps recently that it can be a bit much. I started reading Primate Diaries after seeing a link to your post on Phineas Gage, I think. It's bookmarked in my folder called 'Daily Blog Circuit', so I come here every day.
My love hate relationship with science is a long story, so I'll write a blog about it instead of filling space here so those who wonder how a romance/erotica writer ends up here can satisfy their curiosity.
For the record, the blog post I mentioned above is here:
Eric, this is a fascinating blog and I really enjoy reading it. Keep it up.
Hello Sir.
I'm not a long time reader of your blog since I've just stumbled upon it last week but I did spare some time to read few of your interesting previous entries.
I enjoy knowing new stuff and comparing other people's views and opinions on different topics and issues, and your blog sustains part of that interest of mine.
I'll try to comment to your posts next time but I'm still in the stage of getting into the social sciences so I rarely voice my ideas. And I'm your regular 2nd year student majoring in Area Studies in a university somewhere in Asia.
Take care.
Follow your blog in my reader. I am a graduate student in history (of science) at Montana State University. I blog at The Dispersal of Darwin.
Hello! I'm Michelle, and I'm a grad student in bio anthro. My research is on female social relationships and endocrinology in spider monkeys (which clearly I am very obsessed about). I am also beginning to become a bit obsessed with bonobos as well (probably due to the fact I know live near a zoo with a great bonobo group, and because I've been reading blog and facebook updates from people in the DRC). My blog envy has caused me to start a blog of my own, but thus far while I have all these plans of posts to write, I don't get around it to often (at least right now I can blame it on the all the time I am spending working on grant proposals to beg for money to actually do my research). I think I first started reading your blog after someone posted a facebook link to your "Male chauvinist chimps" essay--I really enjoyed it!
Iâm a philosopher in New England who occasionally procrastinates by lurking around SciBlogs. I mostly work on physics-y stuff and emergence/reduction issues (as the handle is meant to suggest). But since Iâm in goof-off mode when Iâm visiting blogs, I tend to be attracted to biology stuff and news about denialist loonies.
I have you on via RSS and lurk about 1hr east of UBC - in Surrey, who some argue is lower down the evolutionary ladder than your location :).
Hi. I'm just a general science groupie who trawls through the Scienceblogoverse daily in search of choice morsels to feed my mind to keep it from getting bored. I don't remember which science blog linked to a post here, but it went right into my daily circuit. Biology of practically any sort goes down well (I majored in biology, but suffered an Out Of Money Error, and didn't graduate). Of less interest here is my passion for D&D, but who knows; it comes up more often than you might think!
And Monty Python and the Holy Grail is, without question, the finest film ever made. Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein are duking it out for second and third place.
I read this blog, because it always has something of interest on it. I don't often come across blogs that are rooted in the political and scientific worlds at the same time, and I appreciate the hearty sustenance I find here.
Thank you Primate Diaries (and spiders).
Hey there,
I am an avid lay reader of science. I think I got here through the Science Blog weekly email.
I am the head electrician of a Broadway theater and hold two Master Electricians licenses. One in NYC. I am also an amateur astronomer with my own private observatory.
An atheistic interest in Buddhism led me back to science. To me science at its best is the study of "the way things are."
Richard Dawkins "The Selfish Gene" was a revelation and I have since read some twenty different books on the subject.
I mostly agree with the politics here but it is the science I come for.
It's a great pleasure hearing from all of you. It's wonderful to know that something I love to do is appreciated by others. I do my best to always make my work engaging, informative and (hopefully) fun. Please help me do that by providing your feedback and stimulating me with your questions.
And, if you're lurking out there and haven't introduced yourself yet, what are you waiting for?
I tend to troll scienceblogs and generally find them via links from other blogs. I consistently visit GNXP, J-Hawks, and Why evolution is true. Contrary to what my colleagues think, you can learn a lot from blogs.
I consider myself an evolutionary biologist and a lot of my research revolves around basic questions in evolutionary ecology. However, I am much more of a smartass than I am smart. My only claim to fame so far is winning a write-your-own creation-myth contest.
I'm a PhD candidate in Cell and Molecular Biology. I am a scientist in and out of the lab and I very much enjoy science outside my field of vascular biology. I also like reading/talking about religion (from a socio-historical perspective), politics and any thought-provoking subject. Of course evolution is an all time favorite. I particularly enjoyed the Ardipithecus entries and the analysis of Lovejoy's theory. Thanks
I'm a graduate student studying anthropology at the University of Idaho. I have a bachelor's degree in philosophy, and an ongoing interest in critical thinking and the philosophy of science. Seems like your training/interests are similar to mine, and though I've only been following your blog for about a week, I'm very impressed with the breadth and quality of your posts. Please keep it up,
Hi. I'm a primate and a regular visitor to Scienceblogs. I occasionally stop by Primate Diaries to see what you are writing about ... primates.
"I tend to troll scienceblogs [...]"
Trawl, I hope ;)
-Peter, math student, former comp. sci. student and programmer.
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Nearly 85% of human societies allow for polygynous marriage, yet Lovejoy sticks to monogamous pair-bonding as the key to bipedalism. He's sticking to the same old story.
Oops. Yes, of course "trawl" not troll. That's a funny error, given the neologism for "troll."
I'm a 64-year old linguistic anthropologist teaching at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville and in my 30th year of exile from the Appalachians where I grew up. I think I stumbled onto Primate Diaries from Pharyngula, and I appreciate the intelligent, thoughtful writing- I've posted links to a couple of your posts for my students.
I'm one of the ever-vanishing four-fielders. I enjoy thinking, writing, and teaching about language, human biological and cultural evolution (I'm teaching physical anthro this semester), and most things primate. My favorite non-human apes are the Bonobos and I go to our local zoo as often as I can to hang out with them. My favorite non-primates are the reptiles.
I'm an unapologetic socialist. I'm also an atheist, although I find human religions fascinating and always enjoy talking about them in my classes. For mental and spiritual health, I play old-time banjo, guitar, and fiddle. -Ron