David Poulin sends me a job announcement for quantum information processing in the solid state at the University of Sherbrooke:
Permanent position for a Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) on solid state quantum information processingUniversity of Sherbrooke is seeking candidates for a Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC). The successful candidate will obtain a permanent full professorship in the Physics Department of University of Sherbrooke in the Faculty of Sciences. The CERC program aims to attract and retain the world's most accomplished and promising minds. This program will provide the Chair with a 10 millions dollar (CAD) grant over a seven year period. University of Sherbrooke has been selected to present one of the 40 candidates to the international selection committee of the CERC program that will select half of the proposals.
The team of researchers in the Physics Department has distinguished itself in the following areas: Quantum Information, Superconductivity, Strongly Correlated Electrons, Magnetism and Photonic Applications. Sherbrooke University has the best infrastructure in Canada for research on quantum materials. Our outstanding research facilities include: the most important combination of low-temperature (down to 0.01K) and high-magnetic field (up to 20 T) equipments in Canada, world-class micro fabrication clean rooms, a central cryogenic facility with in-house liquid Helium supply, a state of the art cluster of equipment for material characterization, and a computing infrastructure with two of the most powerful computers in Canadian Universities. In addition, more than three hundred square meters of laboratory and office space is already being built to host the successful candidate and his or her team.
The candidate will join Alexandre Blais, David Poulin and Michel-Pioro-Ladrière who are already working in the field of the CERC and will be able to take advantage of interactions with members of the Institut TRansdisciplinaire d'Informatique quantique (INTRIQ), of the Regroupement Québécois sur les Matériaux de Pointe (RQMP) and with members of the Quantum Information, Quantum Materials and Nanoelectronic programs of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
For additional information, please contact Alexandre Blais, Michel Pioro-Ladrière, David Poulin, or André-Marie Tremblay. Interested candidates should send a CV with a letter of introduction before 17:00 Eastern Daylight Savings time, August 21 2009 to the following address. Strict confidentiality will be observed.
Monsieur le doyen
Faculté des sciences
Offre d'emploi no 00421
Université de Sherbrooke
Faculté des sciences
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1
So you don't have to google it, 10 million CAD = 8.95015 million USD :)
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