Bacon Versus Fries

Science on blogs? We don't need no science on blogs! We need more Bacon on blogs:


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If you look closely, through the window reflected in the whiteboard, you can just make out one corner of a building belonging to the Santa Fe Institute. Very emergent, man. Just think of all the neutrinos passing through that spot of light in one single game. Whew.

I thought it was supposed to be bacon maple syrup (for pancakes)?

Mmmm, Voodoo Donuts... Highly recommended. Just don't expect Winchell's. More like a hole in the wall fly by night back alley operation. You really do feel like you're getting in on something so far underground nobody will believe you later.

Bacon ain't the weirdest, though. Some of the menu can't be shown on TV. Some of the menu can't even be shown on the menu anymore...