Bacon Robots

Okay, I think it is time I give in and create a category on the blog called "Bacon." Two new entries for the category:


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Two noteworthy things in the meta-blog category: 1) The 3 Quarks Daily science blogging prize nominations are up, and it's a great list of sciencey bloggy goodness. If you're looking for a way to procrastinate, you could kill several days reading all 171 entries. Once you're done reading them, go…
In addition to heart disease, hypertension, cancer and diabetes, obesity has been linked to sleep apnea, job absenteeism, bad breath, even isolated findings such as an increased risk of dying from prostate cancer after definitive treatment. Wouldn't most of us agree that it is in our best health…
Okay, occasional readers, friends, and former students, the date is official. I walked over to Ozzie's, chatted with one of the waitresses (a Garfield grad, no less!), talked with a manager on the phone, and we're on for the party. You can find us on Saturday, Sept. 27th at 4 pm in the upstairs…
As some of you might have heard, the Raving Atheist has been getting increasingly wacky and wobbling towards some weirdly irrational beliefs. The latest turn in the saga is that his disaffected readers have jumped ship and have started a brand new site, Raving Atheists. It's a shame, really: the…

I always meant to ask (or, maybe I did once?) if you have a Bacon number. If you do, then you likely also have an Erdös-Bacon number, which is the amalgamation of the two.

I know that I had a comment on Erdos-Bacon on some ScienceBlog about a year ago, as I know someone with EB# = 3.

In Science Fiction and Biomedical publication, I've defined the Asimov number...

I'm very happy to see there are other sluggites here. We seem to be well outnumbered by the XKCD fans, though.

OT but relevant to this blog;

I read on Physics World site about researchers claiming that there is variation of duclear dekay rates. Very difficult to measure but it seems to correlate to solar activity.