Seattle Scienceblogs Million Comment Party

Scienceblogs has now passed its millionth comment! In celebration many of us are having our own local Scienceblogs million comment parties. See here for your local party.

What does all that boring writing mean in the last paragraph? No need to read it. Just read this one if you're going to be in Seattle at the end of September:

Join Sandra Porter, Maria Brumm, (hopefully) GrrlScientist, and myself for our millionth comment shin dig at Ozzie's in lower Queen Anne (105 W Mercer St.) That's right: beer, beer beer! At 4pm on September 27th. Considering the themes of three of four of the blogs, this will sure shape up to be an epic showdown between rock, physics, and biology. Or at least a good excuse for a party (by the way what is the natural ordering on rock, physics, and biology? Who beats who?) If you can make it drop a note in the comment section so we can get a guesstimate on the number of people attending.

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physics blows up rock, biology is more relevant to people than physics, rock crushes life out of biology

By DrugMonkey (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

Both engineers and Irish are allowed. Those engineering irishness, however, will be banned.