Go to MIT, Learn About Quantum Computers

MIT has won a three million dollar NSF grant for a interdisciplinary graduate training program for quantum information science. The program will be called iQuISE and will be lead by Isaac Chuang along with Seth Lloyd and Jeffery Shapiro. Now the real question is how the heck do you pronounce iQuISE? "I.Qs?" "I Kiss?" "I.Q. eyes?"

Oh, and also we get the answer to how interdisciplinary is quantum information science:

MIT academic departments and divisions that will have faculty and students participating in iQuISE include Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Nuclear Engineering, and Engineering Systems.

Quantum information apparently scores a seven on the MIT interdisciplinary scale. Can anyone beat that?

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Well, a lot of those are engineering departments. Here in Oxford there are people in the Computer Science, Physics, Maths, Chemistry and Materials departments. Only 5, but they are more distinct subjects.

can you explain the relationship between quantum information science and mechanical engineering? I admit that as a biologist I am out of my depth here, but I call BS.

What do people think of my chances of getting into that graduate program? I think that could be a hell of a lot of fun...

Interesting that the list of departments does not include business. I guess that will come later, but how much later?

By Rodney Topor (not verified) on 05 Aug 2008 #permalink