
Hello Science Blogs! I am Alex Wild, and insofar as Photo Synthesis is concerned, Mr. April. No centerfolds, fortunately for you. I normally blog elsewhere, but I am here at Photo Synthesis for the month and honored that the Science Blogs crew chose me as their inaugural photoblogger.

I became a photographer by accident. As an entomologist, several years ago I started posting photographs of my six-legged study subjects to my web site, naively unaware of the market for science photography. After a time I began hearing from textbook publishers and photo editors interested in licensing images.

It's not that I had pretty pictures- after all, the world is already drowning in gorgeous photography- it's that I had science pictures, pictures captioned with correct latin names and tagged with behavioral notes stemming from my training as a biologist. It is at this intersection of science and photography where I've found my happy niche.

Veterans of the online Creation/Evolution wars (yes, that's you, Pharynguloids) might recall me as "Myrmecos" from the CARM & ARN boards of years past. After reaching the what-seems-like-it-should-be-obvious conclusion that no one changes their mind on that issue I've given up the debating habit. Though, it comes back to haunt me a couple times a year when creationist organizations express interest in licensing my photos, and my instincts as a business owner do battle with my instincts as a scientist.

In any case, this is all very me, me, me. What about YOU?

You've got me tied down, captive blogger, for a month. We can chat camera gear, photographic technique, working with insects, working with scientists, making money from photography. Or other things. Drop a line in the comments if there's anything photo-related on your mind.

Or, I can just post pictures of insects all month. Either is fine by me.

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This one is interesting - a blog with rotating hosts! The new blog, Photo Synthesis will rotate authors every month, each author using the blog to showcase some of their best science/nature photography. The first one to go is Alex Wild, who you may also know from his Myrmecos Blog. So go say Hello…
While I was away the Photoshelter blog posted a recent interview I did with Allen Murabayashi, the company's CEO.  You can read it here, and I've also pasted it below the fold. I don't market my photos through an agency- my own sites work pretty well- but if I did, Photoshelter is one of the first…
Welcome to ScienceBlogs' new photo blog, Photo Synthesis. While doing our usual browsing of the blogosphere, we've become aware of the vast number of excellent blogs featuring science imagery, from neural networks captured with a light microscope to images of supernovae billions of light-years away…
As you may know, Photo Synthesis is a rotating blog, featuring the work of a different photoblogger each month. The powers that be here at ScienceBlogs tell me they are still considering candidates for the coming month and for following months. So. If you have a favorite science photographer…

Welcome to the superorganism that is Sb!

And pictures. Lots and lots of pretty pictures, please.

Thanks John! Incidentally, the first photo I posted, the ant/finger shot at the bottom, was taken at ASU last summer in Juergen Liebig's lab.

Awesome! I'm going to enjoy following you here!

To answer your question, I want to see rotating photos of insects all month and a description on how to get "that perfect shot". I'm horrible at macro photography. I chalk it up to cameras on my dissecting scope, but really its me for some reason. I think the hardest part is the set up.

Since I study marine invertebrates, I try to shoot in a dish filled with water. No matter how I light the dish under the dissecting scope I always tradeoff reflections (on the water) for crappy lighting. How about a post on how to light stuff under a scope? I imagine you don't have a problem with shooting stuff under water though...

Welcome to Sb. I was going to just say "pictures!", but Kevin reminded me that I'm a horrible macro photographer (and I'm a geologist who works on small-scale structures in the field, so my lousy photography skills hurt). I would love tips, as well.

It's not that I had pretty pictures-

Then you've improved greatly in the time between your start and my first seeing your pictures because your pictures are beyond pretty and are some of the most beautiful images of any type that I've seen. The one you opened your stint here with is one of these. Ants may not be 'pretty', but in your lens, they can be stunningly beautiful.

BTW, any chance you might do a book one day?

By Mike from Ottawa (not verified) on 10 Apr 2009 #permalink