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Here's an opportunity: you could work with Reed Cartwright at Arizona State University!


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Well, The Day has arrived! After reading all of the 486 entries at least once (and many 2-3 times) and after calculating all of the judges' ratings of all the posts, Reed Cartwright and I are happy to announce which blog posts will be published in the second science blogging anthology, the "Open…
Inspired by RPM of Evolgen, I ask, how many people in your school/University, or town, or state, are blogging, especially about science? First, I don't know of anyone from my University who blog privately, though you can probably search the MSNBlogs etc. for schools and locales. But, folks at…
John beat me to it, but I'll go ahead anyways. Congrats to Reed Cartwright, active at Georgia Citizens for Integrity in Science and the Panda's Thumb, for passing his dissertation at the University of Georgia and thus now becoming Dr Cartwright. Good job, Reed. Now get back to whatever you were…
Yesterday I thanked Timothy Sandefur for his hard work on the brief filed by a collection of state science organizations, which was cited by the judge twice in yesterday's ruling striking down the Cobb County disclaimer. I should also have included Reed Cartwright in that. Reed was the one, along…