Baby killers!

Religion leads to moral bankruptcy, and can be used to justify anything. What else can you say when crazy theologians argue for murder?

Rabbis Dov Lior and Yacob Yousef had endorsed a highly controversial book, the King's Torah - written by two lesser-known settler rabbis. It justifies killing non-Jews, including those not involved in violence, under certain circumstances.

The fifth chapter, entitled "Murder of non-Jews in a time of war" has been widely quoted in the Israeli media. The summary states that "you can kill those who are not supporting or encouraging murder in order to save the lives of Jews".

At one point it suggests that babies can justifiably be killed if it is clear they will grow up to pose a threat.

Oh, wait. This must be more of that sophisticated theology, because I don't get it.

(via Butterflies & Wheels)


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