I've heard the "waily waily o waily" cries from the mob after the Endless Thread took a brief vacation. Well, too bad, TET had a wonderful time napping on the barren coral sands of Pukasavilivili, but now it's back and is slogging in to work.
Don't listen carefully to the lyrics, or you may learn that TET has not completely shed its cynicism. It would need to spend much more time in the islands to do that, and would also need to meet a lovely Polynesian girl and find redemption for humanity in love and kindness and hope. But no, you had to drag it back.
(Current totals: 12,473 entries with 1,389,844 comments.)
More like this
Oh, no. It's December. We're having another snowstorm. The thread of a thousand mysteries has filled up again. And people are singing Christmas carols.
I'm not a fan of most of them, but this one at least is crude and funny. Don't listen at work. Warning, too: it's mostly an exercise in throwing…
You know what I ought to do? I ought to start every iteration of the endless thread with Neil Patrick Harris singing. Because he is awesome.
I don't need to ask if everyone already has a copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, do I?
(Current totals: 12,098 entries with 1,319,797 comments.)
I've munged up the last iteration of the endless thread! While I try to patch it up, it was time to update it anyway. So resume here, with this video of what Maori science classes are like.
(Current totals: 12,037 entries with 1,308,294 comments.)
I'm a big fan of Ray Bradbury, so I can almost identify with the young lady singing this song. I know, the last song in the thread without respite was nice to listen to as well, so I'm violating my usual habit of punishing you all with the noise here, but this one is worth it.
Oh, by the way, not…